
安纳波利斯, MD -周四, 3月10日, 2022, 国会通过了2022财政年度的综合拨款法案. The annual federal spending package provides funding for several programs important to conservation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

十大赌博正规老平台’s Manager of External Affairs Reed Perry applauded the federal FY 22 omnibus bill, 声明,

“The federal FY 22 omnibus appropriations bill is a big win for conservation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The Chesapeake Bay is our nation’s largest estuary and home to more than 18 million people. The health of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed impacts the health and economic prosperity of all residents in the Bay watershed. 这些保护投资是对我们土地和水域健康的投资, 自然和野生动物的健康, 以及我们人民的健康和经济福祉.

“The FY 22 omnibus provides a much-needed increase in funding for the Chesapeake Bay Program, 致力于保护和恢复海湾流域的区域伙伴关系. This additional funding will boost partner efforts to meet the restoration goals of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement by 2025.

该法案还为切萨皮克野生动物保护计划提供了400万美元.S. 鱼类和野生动物服务项目由国会于2020年建立. Chesapeake WILD is dedicated program for conservation in the Chesapeake Bay and will support on the ground efforts across the watershed such as species conservation and wetland restoration. 重要的是, 这是该项目获得资助的第一年, which is badly needed to enhance conservation efforts for fish and wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

“我们很激动,感谢参议员本·卡丹的支持, the FY 22 spending bill also includes 国会拨款200万美元拨给安纳波利斯市, Maryland for an important 文化 and historic site for Black Americans in the Chesapeake known as Elktonia Beach. This funding will provide critical support for a state and local partnership effort to establish and develop a park at Elktonia Beach, the last remaining undeveloped area of 安纳波利斯 waterfront land originally owned by the Carr’s family that included Carr’s, 斯派洛海滩和埃尔克托尼亚海滩. These once-popular beach destinations and concert venues welcomed Blacks during the time of segregation. 虽然这片区域的大部分已经被出售和开发, 埃尔克托尼亚海滩(Elktonia Beach)有一块5英亩的土地尚未开发,可供购买.

“除了, 我们很激动,感谢参议员汤姆·卡珀的支持, 22财年支出法案包括1美元.国会直接拨款200万给西福德市 in 特拉华州重新安置一条污水管道. 2021年7月, 十大赌博正规老平台 celebrated with the City of Seaford and many partners on the completion of Phase 1 of the Seaford Oyster House Park, 沿着南提科克河新建了一条滨河步道. 牡蛎之家公园的关键下一步是污水管道的搬迁, 这笔资金将允许西福德完成项目的第二阶段.

“最后, this bill includes $2 million in Land and Water Conservation Funds to protect Fones Cliffs in the Rappahannock River National 野生动物 Refuge. 俯瞰弗吉尼亚州的拉帕汉诺克河, Fones Cliffs is a treasure and an important part of the ancestral lands of the Rappahannock Tribe. This funding will help to protect this iconic and endangered landscape and preserve a vital part of the Chesapeake’s history and culture.

十大赌博正规老平台 thanks the members of the Chesapeake Bay watershed delegation for their support for these important conservation investments in FY 22.”

Highlights for Chesapeake Bay conservation and restoration in the Omnibus Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Include:

  • $88 million for the Chesapeake Bay Program, an increase of $500,000 over FY 21 appropriations. 切萨皮克湾计划是联邦机构的区域伙伴关系, 州, 地方政府, 大学, and non-governmental organizations that work together to restore and to protect the Chesapeake Bay.
  • 300万美元用于切萨皮克湾通道和水道项目. The Gateways Program is run by the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office and provides financial and technical support to communities and organizations throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed for public access, 教育规划, 以及对海湾自然景观的诠释, 文化, 还有历史资源. 该账单还包括500美元的增加,000 for the National Park Service Chesapeake Bay Office to support operations and programming in the Chesapeake Bay.
  • 向切萨皮克野生动物保护计划拨款400万美元.S. 鱼 and 野生动物 Service program supporting on the ground conservation efforts in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
  • 国会拨款200万美元拨给安纳波利斯市, Maryland to support the development of a park at the historic Elktonia Beach property in 安纳波利斯. The earmark secured by Senator Ben Cardin (D – MD) complements current state and local efforts to preserve the last remaining parcel of the historic 安纳波利斯 waterfront land originally owned by the Carr’s family that included Carr’s, 斯派洛海滩和埃尔克托尼亚海滩.
  • $1.国会直接拨款200万给西福德市, 特拉华州重新安置一条污水管道. The earmark secured by Senator Tom Carper (D – DE) will support Phase 2 of the development of Seaford’s Oyster House Park on the Nanticoke River.
  • $2 million for the Rappahannock River Valley National 野生动物 Refuge in Land and Water Conservation Funds (LWCF), 9亿美元用于国家LWCF项目. LWCF计划为保护国家公园的土地提供资金, 国家森林, 以及其他公共土地, 以及州立和当地的公园.
  • $150 million for the Department of Defense’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) program. REPI计划支持美国国防部和国防部分支机构之间的伙伴关系.S. 军事, 当地环保团体, and local and state governments to conserve land near 军事 installations in order to protect the continued and future operation of 军事 installations. REPI has supported to conservation of more than 32,000 acres in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.